
25 stratford grove

Im very stressed today. the rain is getting to me and I cant get the dog out as he hates the rain. I realize that I am putting the dog before me, my life is revolving round the dog. Mind you, he does get into my bed and cuddles up to me at night.

The performance on Monday, though, is keeping me going. Its pretty much ready, bar the props. Im really looking forward to it.

I think I need to find a new name for the venue. Maybe something like Stitt's in Wales, like 'the place'. What do you think?

Someone thought of 'back to front' as you can approach the house from either front or back. What about 'unstable ground' which i read in a review of a performance recently. It probably is unstable ground here, as on the searches it came up as being on top of a mine.

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